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Get Affordable EV SSL Review: Namecheap

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  • Post last modified:January 28, 2024

Looking to secure your website with an EV SSL certificate without breaking the bank? Look no further than Namecheap. In this review, we’ll delve into the features and benefits of Namecheap’s affordable EV SSL options.

When it comes to online security, an Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is essential. It not only encrypts your website’s data but also provides a visual indicator of trust to your visitors through the green address bar and the company name displayed prominently. However, acquiring an EV SSL certificate can often come with a hefty price tag, making it inaccessible for many website owners.

Table Of Contents

1. EV SSL Certificate Boosting Your Ranking In Search Engine

Namecheap, a leading domain registrar and web hosting company, offers a range of budget-friendly EV SSL certificates that provide the same level of security and trust as their more expensive counterparts. By investing in an EV SSL certificate from Namecheap, you can give your website visitors peace of mind while also boosting your rankings in search engine results.

Explore the various affordable EV SSL options offered by Namecheap, highlighting their features, benefits, and why they are a wise investment for website owners on a budget. Stay tuned to find the perfect EV SSL solution for your website with Namecheap.

2. What Is An EV SSL Certificate?

An EV SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate that provides the highest level of security and trust for websites. It goes beyond the standard SSL certificates by undergoing a rigorous validation process that verifies the legal, physical, and operational existence of the business entity behind the website. This validation process ensures that only legitimate businesses can obtain an EV SSL certificate, giving website visitors confidence in the authenticity of the website.

One of the key features of an EV SSL certificate is the green address bar displayed in the browser. This visual indicator of trust immediately reassures visitors that the website they are visiting is secure and can be trusted with their sensitive information. In addition to the green address bar, EV SSL certificates also display the company name prominently, further enhancing the trust factor.

Having an EV SSL certificate not only protects your website and its visitors from potential security threats but also helps to establish your brand as a trustworthy entity in the online space. This can have a positive impact on your website’s conversion rates and overall online reputation.

3. Benefits Of Using An EV SSL certificate

Using an EV SSL certificate offers several benefits for website owners:

I. Enhanced security

EV SSL certificates provide the highest level of encryption, ensuring that data transmitted between the website and its visitors remains secure and protected. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal data.

II. Increased trust and credibility

The visual indicators of trust provided by EV SSL certificates, such as the green address bar and prominent display of the company name, instill confidence in website visitors. This can lead to higher conversion rates, as visitors are more likely to trust and engage with a website that displays these trust signals.

III. Improved search engine rankings

Search engines, such as Google, consider SSL certificates as a ranking factor. Websites with SSL certificates, especially EV SSL certificates, are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can result in increased organic traffic and visibility for your website.

More Benefit Of Using An EV SSL Certificate

IV. Protection against phishing attacks

EV SSL certificates help to protect your website and its visitors from phishing attacks. The stringent validation process ensures that only legitimate businesses can obtain an EV SSL certificate, making it difficult for malicious actors to impersonate your website and deceive visitors.

V. Compliance with industry standards and regulations

Many industries and regulatory bodies require websites to have SSL certificates, particularly EV SSL certificates, to ensure the secure transmission of sensitive information. By investing in an EV SSL certificate, you can ensure compliance with these standards and regulations, avoiding potential penalties and reputational damage.

4. How Does Namecheap Provide Affordable EV SSL Certificates?

Namecheap understands the importance of online security and aims to make it accessible to website owners of all budgets. They offer a range of affordable EV SSL certificates that provide the same level of security and trust as their more expensive counterparts. Here’s how Namecheap manages to provide affordable EV SSL certificates:

I. Efficient validation process

Namecheap has optimized their validation process for EV SSL certificates, streamlining the verification steps without compromising on security. This allows them to offer affordable EV SSL certificates without compromising on the level of trust and protection provided.

II. Bulk purchasing power

As a leading domain registrar and web hosting company, Namecheap has significant purchasing power in the SSL certificate market. They leverage this advantage to negotiate competitive pricing with certificate authorities, enabling them to offer affordable EV SSL certificates to their customers.

III. Cost-effective infrastructure

Namecheap has invested in a cost-effective infrastructure that allows them to pass on the savings to their customers. By optimizing their systems and processes, they are able to offer affordable EV SSL certificates without compromising on the quality of their services.

IV. Value-added features

In addition to the affordable pricing, Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates come with value-added features that enhance the overall package. These features may include free site seals, daily malware scanning, vulnerability assessment, and 24/7 customer support. By bundling these features with their EV SSL certificates, Namecheap provides a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for website owners.

5. Features Of Namecheap’s EV SSL Certificates

Namecheap offers a range of affordable EV SSL certificates, each with its own set of features. Here are some of the key features you can expect from Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates:

I. Extended Validation

Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates undergo a rigorous validation process that verifies the legal, physical, and operational existence of the business behind the website. This ensures that only legitimate businesses can obtain an EV SSL certificate, providing website visitors with confidence in the authenticity of the website.

II. Green Address Bar

Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates display a green address bar in the browser, which serves as a visual indicator of trust to website visitors. The green address bar immediately reassures visitors that the website they are visiting is secure and can be trusted with their sensitive information.

6. More On Features Of Namecheap’s EV SSL Certificates

III. Company Name Display

In addition to the green address bar, Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates prominently display the company name in the browser. This further enhances the trust factor, as visitors can easily verify the identity of the website owner.

IV. High-level Encryption

Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates provide the highest level of encryption, ensuring that data transmitted between the website and its visitors remains secure and protected. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

V. Warranty

Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates come with a warranty, providing financial protection in the event of a security breach caused by the certificate. The warranty amount varies depending on the specific EV SSL certificate chosen.

7. Comparing Namecheap’s EV SSL Certificates With Other Providers

When it comes to affordable EV SSL certificates, Namecheap stands out among its competitors. Let’s compare Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates with those offered by other providers:

I. Pricing

Namecheap offers competitive pricing for their EV SSL certificates, making them an affordable option for website owners on a budget. Other providers may charge significantly higher prices for similar EV SSL certificates, making Namecheap a cost-effective choice.

II. Features

Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates come with a comprehensive set of features, including extended validation, green address bar, company name display, high-level encryption, and warranty. While other providers may offer similar features, Namecheap’s combination of affordability and feature-rich packages sets them apart.

III. Customer Support

Namecheap is known for its excellent customer support. Their team of experts is available 24/7 to assist with any queries or issues related to EV SSL certificates. Other providers may not offer the same level of customer support, making Namecheap a reliable choice for website owners who value prompt and knowledgeable assistance.

8. How To Purchase And Install An EV SSL Certificate From Namecheap

Purchasing and installing an EV SSL certificate from Namecheap is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

I. Choose the right EV SSL certificate

Visit Namecheap’s website and browse through their range of EV SSL certificates. Consider your specific requirements and select the EV SSL certificate that best fits your needs.

II. Add the EV SSL certificate to your cart

Click on the “Add to Cart” button next to the chosen EV SSL certificate. Review your selection and proceed to


III. Complete the purchase process

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the purchase process. Provide the necessary details, such as your domain name, business information, and payment information.

9. Still On How To Purchase And Install An EV SSL Certificate From Namecheap

IV. Verification and validation

Once the purchase is complete, Namecheap will initiate the verification and validation process for your EV SSL certificate. This process may involve submitting documentation and undergoing a phone call verification.

V. Certificate issuance

Upon successful verification and validation, Namecheap will issue your EV SSL certificate. You will receive the certificate files via email or through your Namecheap account.

VI. Install the EV SSL certificate on your website

Follow the installation instructions provided by Namecheap to install the EV SSL certificate on your website. If you’re not familiar with the installation process, Namecheap’s customer support team is available to assist you.

10. Customer Reviews And Testimonials Of Namecheap’s EV SSL Certificates

Namecheap has received positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers who have used their EV SSL certificates. Here are some examples:

  • “Namecheap’s EV SSL certificate provided us with the highest level of security and helped build trust with our customers. The affordable pricing was a bonus!” – John, CEO of a small e-commerce business.
  • “Installing Namecheap’s EV SSL certificate was a breeze. Their customer support team guided me through the process and answered all my questions promptly. Highly recommended!” – Sarah, website owner.
  • “I was skeptical about finding an affordable EV SSL certificate, but Namecheap exceeded my expectations. The green address bar and company name display have boosted our website’s credibility.” – Mark, digital marketing manager.

These customer reviews and testimonials highlight the positive experiences of website owners who have chosen Namecheap’s EV SSL certificates for their online security needs.

11. Frequently Asked Questions About EV SSL Certificates And Namecheap’s Offerings

I. What is the difference between EV SSL certificates and other types of SSL certificates?

EV SSL certificates provide the highest level of validation and trust, as they undergo a rigorous verification process. Other types of SSL certificates, such as Domain Validation (DV) and Organization Validation (OV), offer varying levels of validation and trust.

II. Are EV SSL certificates worth the investment?

Yes, EV SSL certificates are worth the investment, especially for websites that handle sensitive information or engage in e-commerce activities. The enhanced security, increased trust, improved search engine rankings, and compliance with industry standards make EV SSL certificates a wise choice for website owners.

12. Still More On Frequent Asked Question About EV SSL Certificate And Namecheap’s Offering

III. Can I switch from another SSL certificate provider to Namecheap?

Yes, you can switch from another SSL certificate provider to Namecheap. Namecheap offers a seamless transfer process, allowing you to migrate your existing SSL certificate to their platform. Their customer support team can assist you with the transfer process.

IV. Can I upgrade from a DV or OV SSL certificate to an EV SSL certificate?

Yes, you can upgrade from a DV or OV SSL certificate to an EV SSL certificate. Namecheap offers a straightforward upgrade process, allowing you to enhance the level of validation and trust for your website.

V. What additional security measures should I consider for my website?

There are several other security measures you can consider for your website. These include regular software updates, strong password policies, secure hosting, firewall protection, and regular backups. It’s also recommended to stay informed about the latest security best practices and emerging threats.

13. Conclusion And Recommendation For Namecheap’s Affordable EV SSL Certificates

Conclusively, Namecheap offers a range of budget-friendly EV SSL certificates that provide the highest level of security and trust for websites. Their affordable pricing, combined with the extensive features and value-added benefits, make Namecheap an excellent choice for website owners on a budget.

By investing in an EV SSL certificate from Namecheap, you can protect your website and its visitors from potential security threats, enhance trust and credibility, improve search engine rankings, comply with industry standards, and gain a competitive edge in the online space. Don’t let the hefty price tag of EV SSL certificates deter you from securing your website. Choose Namecheap and get affordable EV SSL review today.

Remember, online security is paramount in today’s digital landscape.